Speaking about public mutual, PUBLIC MUTUAL Berhad will launch their new islamic fund which called PUBLIC ASIA ITTIKAL FUND (PAIF). This is an aggressive fund and the risk profile can consider the highest among all public mutual Islamic fund. I myself decided to park some of my money inside since they're offering initial price at 0.25c per unit which can consider cheap (normal for every new fund launch). Furthermore, they are giving away 1% from the unit bought. This is a good opportunities to invest some amount of money and those who are interested again can call me for some consultation or to clear any doubts. The initial offers end up on the 11th of September, so hurry up and decide to diversify your investment.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Haven't update my blog for quite a while. The reason behind it was my internet line was fucked up and I am paying for nothing this few days. I hate went that situation happens - cannot connect to remote server bla bla bla.... That is why the telekom share drop a little I guess (Err... I am not sure the current one - this is based on the quarterly fund review provided by public mutual)
Speaking about public mutual, PUBLIC MUTUAL Berhad will launch their new islamic fund which called PUBLIC ASIA ITTIKAL FUND (PAIF). This is an aggressive fund and the risk profile can consider the highest among all public mutual Islamic fund. I myself decided to park some of my money inside since they're offering initial price at 0.25c per unit which can consider cheap (normal for every new fund launch). Furthermore, they are giving away 1% from the unit bought. This is a good opportunities to invest some amount of money and those who are interested again can call me for some consultation or to clear any doubts. The initial offers end up on the 11th of September, so hurry up and decide to diversify your investment.
PAIF will focus more on Asia's market which is one of the fastest growing regions in the world. And the best part will be the investments are in compliance with Syariah requirements. Public Mutual is the best private unit trust company in Malaysia and has won 30 awards out of 42 awards last year. And for those who have more than RM55K in their 1st EPF account, you can use the EPF scheme to invest in unit trust.
Speaking about public mutual, PUBLIC MUTUAL Berhad will launch their new islamic fund which called PUBLIC ASIA ITTIKAL FUND (PAIF). This is an aggressive fund and the risk profile can consider the highest among all public mutual Islamic fund. I myself decided to park some of my money inside since they're offering initial price at 0.25c per unit which can consider cheap (normal for every new fund launch). Furthermore, they are giving away 1% from the unit bought. This is a good opportunities to invest some amount of money and those who are interested again can call me for some consultation or to clear any doubts. The initial offers end up on the 11th of September, so hurry up and decide to diversify your investment.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Am I workaholic?
Ok... Lately I've been working like hell. I did some OTs if i have the opportunities to do so. I OT on last Sunday cause they pay us double salary by working on Sunday. I worked from 3-11pm. And the next day I work on morning shift 7am-6.30pm (OT for 3 hours). The next day I have to cover the other tech who was on leave because of his brother's marriage (21st August - same date with Siti Nurhaliza pulak tuh!). I work from 11pm to 11am which mean I have less than 5 hours before I continue my duties. Then the next day (today) I have to OT for another 4 hours from 7am to 7pm. I must try to seek alot of money cause my current post didn't pay me a high basic salary. And I am too stupid didn't act much on applying a new job which is more suit with my qualification. Ok... I have started to print my resume today, and seek a few addresses around the internet to work on other manufacturing side. I did enjoy working in my work place with a PCBA manufacturing environment. I gain a lot of useful knowledge which they never thought during my undergraduate programme. It is more hands-on experience. I learn a lot of things about engineering, in fact i did alot of engineer's work except for the management part. I enjoy each and every moment of learning. But lately, I am frustrated with my supervisor after the group leader came back for duty after a 2 months holiday for having her baby. When I was first time scolded not because of my mistake, and she without any investigation or not even a single intention to understand our situation, just burst out all her anger towards us which can consider as innocent. One of the inspector were cried because of his unwise action and I myself tried to explain what's going on and she immediately cut out my words. Without any choice I just let her say what she wanna say. And from that moment, I have no respect at all for that supervisor. I have heard alot of rumours before this from a few QA inspectors about her attitude but I didn't just listen to them until it happens to me. There's alot more stories about my situation at the manufacturing line and the drama between me and the supervisor. What makes me more unsatisfied with her. But I wont elaborate more cause. And now you can see why I am starting to apply other jobs. To be frank, I don't really care about a ciput basic pay that I earned each month as long as I am happy with my job. But, if I am unhappy with all this, why should I continue begging for the small pay? All I need is self-satisfaction and if I am not happy with my pay and my job, there is no point of continuing my job. I can't wait to tell them "I QUIT!" But one thing I like about my shift is about all the inspectors from my shift. They respect me alot and we can work well among each other. And I have alot of fun working, joking and sharing stories with them. Yeah, you know most of them came from a poor or lower than middle class la and I am realize how fortunate I am to be with my family even we're not that rich but I can say that we are financially stable. Thank God for his blessings!
Now I have to learn on how to spend money brilliantly and how to make alot of money and save alot of money. Not make alot of money and spend also alot of money. Dear God, please help me on this. Thank you!
Ok, I think I should stop rumbling. I can bet most of the people who view this post won't read everything bcoz I don't even put on paragraphs properly on this post. But, who cares. till then, see ya at my next post.
Oh ya... that day I promised to upload more pictures during my convo. You can view my flickr. Just click the link on your right hand side. If you can't view the link, please refresh you browser. And if you still can't find it than that is your problem. Not my problem!
Now I have to learn on how to spend money brilliantly and how to make alot of money and save alot of money. Not make alot of money and spend also alot of money. Dear God, please help me on this. Thank you!
Ok, I think I should stop rumbling. I can bet most of the people who view this post won't read everything bcoz I don't even put on paragraphs properly on this post. But, who cares. till then, see ya at my next post.
Oh ya... that day I promised to upload more pictures during my convo. You can view my flickr. Just click the link on your right hand side. If you can't view the link, please refresh you browser. And if you still can't find it than that is your problem. Not my problem!
Friday, August 18, 2006
The top 10 unintentionally worst company URL
Hey.. this is a good one. I read it from BB post on friendster. It's a coincidence or purposely done, I am not so sure. But it really makes me laugh, or at least put on a smile on my sour face.
Everyone knows that if you are going to operate a
business in today’s world you need a domain
name. It is advisable to look at the domain name
selected as other see it and not just as you think it
looks. Failure to do this may result in situations
such as the following (legitimate) companies
who deal in everyday humdrum products and
services but clearly didn’t give their domain names
enough consideration:
1. A site called ‘Who Represents’ where you can
find the name of the agent that represents a
celebrity. Their domain name… wait for it… is
2. Experts Exchange, a knowledge base where
programmers can exchange advice and views at
3. Looking for a pen? Look no further than Pen
Island at..
4. Need a therapist? Try Therapist Finder at..
5. Then of course, there’s the Italian Power
Generator company…
6. And now, we have the Mole Station Native
Nursery, based in New South Wales..
7. If you’re looking for computer software, there’s
8. Welcome to the First Cumming Methodist
Church. Their website is..
9. Then, of course, there’s these brainless art
designers, and their whacky website..:
10. Want to holiday in Lake Tahoe? Try their
brochure website at
Everyone knows that if you are going to operate a
business in today’s world you need a domain
name. It is advisable to look at the domain name
selected as other see it and not just as you think it
looks. Failure to do this may result in situations
such as the following (legitimate) companies
who deal in everyday humdrum products and
services but clearly didn’t give their domain names
enough consideration:
1. A site called ‘Who Represents’ where you can
find the name of the agent that represents a
celebrity. Their domain name… wait for it… is
2. Experts Exchange, a knowledge base where
programmers can exchange advice and views at
3. Looking for a pen? Look no further than Pen
Island at..
4. Need a therapist? Try Therapist Finder at..
5. Then of course, there’s the Italian Power
Generator company…
6. And now, we have the Mole Station Native
Nursery, based in New South Wales..
7. If you’re looking for computer software, there’s
8. Welcome to the First Cumming Methodist
Church. Their website is..
9. Then, of course, there’s these brainless art
designers, and their whacky website..:
10. Want to holiday in Lake Tahoe? Try their
brochure website at
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
MMU 7th Convocation
I received my digital cert from the MMU chansellor YAB Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali. My dad and my mum were there inside the Grand Hall watching me receiving the digital scroll (actually it was an empty box, then we have to claim it at the counter at the new building which I am not sure what's the name of the building). After I went out from the hall, I tried to call my parents and the network was jammed coz everybody tried to make a phone call. After I met my parents there were more than 20 misscall from my friends and my family members. Some of them wanted to take photograph and luckily we met after a while. :)
I took alot of pictures in case the view or the photo didn't look nice. I purchased the SIGMA yearbook and the Convo DVD (actually not me who purchasing those items. It was my dad who took all the money from his wallet). They were very efficient when it came into business. The convo CDs and DVDs were ready by the time the convo ceremony ends. And I haven't watched the DVD and also haven't viewed my digital scroll yet. Probably tomorrow after I wake up la... Very lazy today.
We stayed there untill 1.ooam before we moved to alamanda for lunch. Thank God we didn't stay any longer. It was as hot as hell wearing 3 piece of shirt (shirt, blazer and the robe). And I didn't took my breakfast as well. Once again, thank GOD for his blessing and his kindness.
There's loads of pictures inside my memory stick. I promise to upload some of them later on. Right now I am quite busy and don't have sufficient time.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Rehearsal is tomorrow!!!
Ok... Today is already Thursday and as usual, tomorrow will be Friday! Err.. Friday will be the rehearsal ceremony for the 7th MMU convocation. And I have to work tomorrow from 11.15pm(tonight) till 7.15am(tomorrow. The rehearsal will be starting at 9.00am at Cyberjaya. And I must drove super quick there so that I wont miss a thing. But I know they are all malay and malay will hold one principe - janji melayu! haha... what a negative thinking. I hope I can make it tomorrow. 7.15 we will be released from the factory, 15 minutes to walk to the parking area. 5 minutes to warm up the car... Ok... this part can skip tomorrow I guess. Then 10-15 minutes to drive back home and 2 minutes to take bath. Then tup tap I'll be leaving at 8.00 la kot.
I really do need a lot of money for tomorrow. RM30 for fuel, RM15 for toll, RM150 for rental of robe including deposit and I haven't shopping anything yet for my convo. I didn't buy anything at all for the sake of my convocation??? And just now my housemate called up about this month rental. Haiyya... Phone bills also not yet paid. Arrghhh... Money is a major issue when you just started working. And I am very2 shy to ask from my parents. Ermmm... Takpe2 lets us read the Ayat Seribu Dinar. (surah T-Talaq: 2-3)
I really do need a lot of money for tomorrow. RM30 for fuel, RM15 for toll, RM150 for rental of robe including deposit and I haven't shopping anything yet for my convo. I didn't buy anything at all for the sake of my convocation??? And just now my housemate called up about this month rental. Haiyya... Phone bills also not yet paid. Arrghhh... Money is a major issue when you just started working. And I am very2 shy to ask from my parents. Ermmm... Takpe2 lets us read the Ayat Seribu Dinar. (surah T-Talaq: 2-3)
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Chinese Calender
This is from a good friend of mine. She said, "According to Chinese Calender, You need to watch your temper. Getting angry will cause you to emotionally stressed and lead to insomnia. Nevertheless, you financial and career luck is very good. There are supporters helping you to overcome obstacles. All you need to do is ask..."
Ermm... After I read thru this msg, I realize that it was all true about this prediction. I was in a huge temper this morning with an Indon girl at my factory. I choose not to elaborate more on this topic cause it may lead me to burst out and makes me more unhappy. But the point is clear here. I have to watch out my temper. But I never worry about my insomnia for whole week ONLY since I am working on night shift. I did feel sleepy during my operation hour since last week I work on morning shift and I was used to sleep early. I slept in a horrible position yesterday inside the office, but luckily it was not too long.
Financial and career luck, I guess this is also true. This month I did alot of OT (refer to my previous post if you want to know more). But right now I am broke. I didnot have alot amount of money to go shopping for my convo. I was never thought about shopping for convo, until I went back to Muar last weekend and my aunt asked me about all those new shoes and shirt. I told her why need new shoes and shirt? I have my old karipap shoes (which I bought during my form 5). Then she added, it's ok if I don't want to buy any new shirt, but shoes is like mandatory! Oklah... but where to cekau duit..??? Some more i need to get a haircut, and the last time I went for a haircut, they charged me RM9. Like WTF??? This is a normal barber not like saloon or a high standard. Even the shop looks like stor tempat simpan barang.
Supporters? Yeah.. I realized I got a lot of supporters. There's alot of people around me who actually cares alot bout me. And I strongly believe, there's only two possibilities for those who always read my blog, either care bout me or he/she hates me alot. And I am positively thinking most of you guys came from the first, and hopefully none of you came from the latter. And I got alot of friends at my workplace which is close to me. :) also some friends around Melaka, especially those who always lepak at Mama Jammerz. But everytime I have problem or I feel irritated about something, most of the time I never asked anything from anyone. Like I am waiting people to approach me to share all my problems with me. Yes, some of them did that when they saw me when I look moody or something. Thanks alot for those who care!!!
Ermm... After I read thru this msg, I realize that it was all true about this prediction. I was in a huge temper this morning with an Indon girl at my factory. I choose not to elaborate more on this topic cause it may lead me to burst out and makes me more unhappy. But the point is clear here. I have to watch out my temper. But I never worry about my insomnia for whole week ONLY since I am working on night shift. I did feel sleepy during my operation hour since last week I work on morning shift and I was used to sleep early. I slept in a horrible position yesterday inside the office, but luckily it was not too long.
Financial and career luck, I guess this is also true. This month I did alot of OT (refer to my previous post if you want to know more). But right now I am broke. I didnot have alot amount of money to go shopping for my convo. I was never thought about shopping for convo, until I went back to Muar last weekend and my aunt asked me about all those new shoes and shirt. I told her why need new shoes and shirt? I have my old karipap shoes (which I bought during my form 5). Then she added, it's ok if I don't want to buy any new shirt, but shoes is like mandatory! Oklah... but where to cekau duit..??? Some more i need to get a haircut, and the last time I went for a haircut, they charged me RM9. Like WTF??? This is a normal barber not like saloon or a high standard. Even the shop looks like stor tempat simpan barang.
Supporters? Yeah.. I realized I got a lot of supporters. There's alot of people around me who actually cares alot bout me. And I strongly believe, there's only two possibilities for those who always read my blog, either care bout me or he/she hates me alot. And I am positively thinking most of you guys came from the first, and hopefully none of you came from the latter. And I got alot of friends at my workplace which is close to me. :) also some friends around Melaka, especially those who always lepak at Mama Jammerz. But everytime I have problem or I feel irritated about something, most of the time I never asked anything from anyone. Like I am waiting people to approach me to share all my problems with me. Yes, some of them did that when they saw me when I look moody or something. Thanks alot for those who care!!!
Friday, August 04, 2006
Work work work...
Ok... I didn online for almost 4 days. No one saw me on the internet nor on their YM list. Actually the line was down few days ago. In addition, I didnt pay my bills. Hoohhh... My reason is simple... I DON'T HAVE TIME TO PAY THE BILLS.
This week I work on morning shift which should be from 7.15 to 3.15. Usually during morning shift we got two technician working on permanent morning shift since there's a lot of works to be done during morning - cause all works involving other office hours workers (PQE, PE, Document Control, etc etc). But, when my turn work on morning shift, I am totally unlucky in a way (but of course lucky on other ways). First of all, the senior Tech Zalie was on annual leave on Tuesday and Wednesday. And Fahmi the trainee was MC on Monday and Tuesday. Gandhi the associate engineer also on leave on Monday and MC on Tuesday. So, you guys can see how I have to handle everything by myself.
As a result, I have to OT on Monday (7 hours OT), Tuesday (6 hours OT) and Wednesday (8 hours OT). Imagine working on this 3 consequence day 15 hours, 14 hours and 16 hours per day. Of course, I am tired. But I think it is a good experience cause I'm doing something new that day also helping the engineers on preparing documents etc etc. And of course there's something makes me feel irritated with all this higher post. Some of them just give all the work load to me which suppose I should say "Hey... This is your job! not my job!" But I think it's a good experience, then I just proceed without any complaint.
Working in this environment is fun for me. I can handle well all the stress during works. I admit I made some mistakes during my learning process and also repeating some mistakes. But, I am human maaa... where got human built with perfect package. I sold 3 box of Kopi Radix this last 2 weeks. Keluaran Bermutu daripada HPA. Right now I am preparing a new type of business. Salary alone will never be enough for people like me. So, I have to think some other way to grab alot of money. Today is only my fifth day after received my first paycheck. But I think I have used more than half of it, excluding paying my handphone bills, utilities bills and house rent. How can people like me survive??? Ahh... Rezeki ada dimana2. The only thing is how to get all those rezeki.
Ok, I talk alot today. It was like words for 4 days.... Enjoy your day and smile always for smiling will make you maintain cute and handsome. :)
This week I work on morning shift which should be from 7.15 to 3.15. Usually during morning shift we got two technician working on permanent morning shift since there's a lot of works to be done during morning - cause all works involving other office hours workers (PQE, PE, Document Control, etc etc). But, when my turn work on morning shift, I am totally unlucky in a way (but of course lucky on other ways). First of all, the senior Tech Zalie was on annual leave on Tuesday and Wednesday. And Fahmi the trainee was MC on Monday and Tuesday. Gandhi the associate engineer also on leave on Monday and MC on Tuesday. So, you guys can see how I have to handle everything by myself.
As a result, I have to OT on Monday (7 hours OT), Tuesday (6 hours OT) and Wednesday (8 hours OT). Imagine working on this 3 consequence day 15 hours, 14 hours and 16 hours per day. Of course, I am tired. But I think it is a good experience cause I'm doing something new that day also helping the engineers on preparing documents etc etc. And of course there's something makes me feel irritated with all this higher post. Some of them just give all the work load to me which suppose I should say "Hey... This is your job! not my job!" But I think it's a good experience, then I just proceed without any complaint.
Working in this environment is fun for me. I can handle well all the stress during works. I admit I made some mistakes during my learning process and also repeating some mistakes. But, I am human maaa... where got human built with perfect package. I sold 3 box of Kopi Radix this last 2 weeks. Keluaran Bermutu daripada HPA. Right now I am preparing a new type of business. Salary alone will never be enough for people like me. So, I have to think some other way to grab alot of money. Today is only my fifth day after received my first paycheck. But I think I have used more than half of it, excluding paying my handphone bills, utilities bills and house rent. How can people like me survive??? Ahh... Rezeki ada dimana2. The only thing is how to get all those rezeki.
Ok, I talk alot today. It was like words for 4 days.... Enjoy your day and smile always for smiling will make you maintain cute and handsome. :)
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Yesterday I woke up as early as 6am in the morning and I didn't sleep anymore since it may lead me for an overslept and cause me a much more trouble afterwards. I slept at 4 something in the morning which means I got only less than 2 hours of sleep. Yeah... i got insomniac and it troubles me alot when it comes to sleep at night. I drank 2 packets of tongkat ali coffee which both of them are different brands; then only I went to work.
On the way to work, it was a rainy day and some of the rain drop was over my head. I feel a lil but of headache at the beginning of the day, but then I just wash a bit my head with some water at the toilet, so that hopefully the acid water will removed or at least, will lessen the risk of any illness.
Today could be the most busy day for me ever since I joined Cubic electronics last June. I got some documents to prepare and I need an urgent approval from one of the assistant engineer and at the same day, he's on leave. Then I have to seek approval from the busy engineer for that particular product PD0006. Then there was 1 card SB0679z - an X-FI model soundcard were rejected by the QA inspector, Mdm Azalinda and suppose the other technician, Mohd Shazali should verify this card and There is two FA (Failure Analysis) card model SB0358 - Audigy ZS card which was assigned to me to work out on the failure analysis. After doing my part until 3.00pm, I should pack up all my stuff since my shift end up at 3.15pm. I was thinking of my bed and pillow at this moment since lack of sleep really makes my body feels tired. But then at 3.15 I was told by the group Leader Puan Maznah that the technician just called up and he asked me to stay due to his half day leave today. Then, I have to settle down not only my Audigy ZS, but also the X-FI SB0679 because the other tech did not yet done the verification of the reject with the production PE. Ok... It's not a big deal actually to OT for 4 hours. But then the MOST BIGGEST PROBLEM rise when a new engineer, Mr Wang have to do the verification process with me. I can categorize this person of the most banyak cengkadak person ever I work with in this factory. He was like never want to agree with the reject even after I showed the evidence. I t was like half of his salary will be cut-off if I rejected the card. It takes me more than 3 hours to verify this card which can be done in less than 30 minutes. There goes my OT. Doing nothing but spending my time on that stupid card with that stupid engineer (this is the result of a high scorer nerd students accepted for a high post in a division). Then after the verification process, I make a conclusion of the distortion noise on the sound card only can be detected when a full software installed on a particular station. Then my senior engineer asked me to make sure all the production line which doing the rescreen process must be installed by a full software and not just by updating the driver. But then that stupid engineer, while setting up the station pegi bantai sembang ngan the other supervisor in chinese language and I don't understand even a single word comes out from the mouth except for 'university' and 'engineering' and they make me look like tunggul there, and no progress at all with the installation. Kepala hotak dia. Yes, I am hot at that time. Dah la wasting my time, then make me look like a tunggul. Then, I just went off to the office and told my engineer about what happened with an angry voice. Hopefully the higher person could hear what I was talking about and immediately sack that particular new engineer!!! I hate when all this higher position such as engineer, berlagak nak mampos. Think that they are big enough and all the technician is like a picisan. Well FUCK them!!! even test production technician also didn't like that new engineer.
Yes, I have to OT actually for 6 and a half hours today. But half hour can't claim anything, so I just went for a dinner with Abg Hizam, the Sr Tech for QA and Abg Jai, the Sr Tech for MIMA production, to make sure the half hour turn to a complete hour. Then, after 10.25, I scanned TMS OUT and went back home. After I reached home I have some sleep around 11.15, but suddenly my phone ringing and until now I just can't sleep! Oh dear God!!! Please remove this insomnia from me!!!
On the way to work, it was a rainy day and some of the rain drop was over my head. I feel a lil but of headache at the beginning of the day, but then I just wash a bit my head with some water at the toilet, so that hopefully the acid water will removed or at least, will lessen the risk of any illness.
Today could be the most busy day for me ever since I joined Cubic electronics last June. I got some documents to prepare and I need an urgent approval from one of the assistant engineer and at the same day, he's on leave. Then I have to seek approval from the busy engineer for that particular product PD0006. Then there was 1 card SB0679z - an X-FI model soundcard were rejected by the QA inspector, Mdm Azalinda and suppose the other technician, Mohd Shazali should verify this card and There is two FA (Failure Analysis) card model SB0358 - Audigy ZS card which was assigned to me to work out on the failure analysis. After doing my part until 3.00pm, I should pack up all my stuff since my shift end up at 3.15pm. I was thinking of my bed and pillow at this moment since lack of sleep really makes my body feels tired. But then at 3.15 I was told by the group Leader Puan Maznah that the technician just called up and he asked me to stay due to his half day leave today. Then, I have to settle down not only my Audigy ZS, but also the X-FI SB0679 because the other tech did not yet done the verification of the reject with the production PE. Ok... It's not a big deal actually to OT for 4 hours. But then the MOST BIGGEST PROBLEM rise when a new engineer, Mr Wang have to do the verification process with me. I can categorize this person of the most banyak cengkadak person ever I work with in this factory. He was like never want to agree with the reject even after I showed the evidence. I t was like half of his salary will be cut-off if I rejected the card. It takes me more than 3 hours to verify this card which can be done in less than 30 minutes. There goes my OT. Doing nothing but spending my time on that stupid card with that stupid engineer (this is the result of a high scorer nerd students accepted for a high post in a division). Then after the verification process, I make a conclusion of the distortion noise on the sound card only can be detected when a full software installed on a particular station. Then my senior engineer asked me to make sure all the production line which doing the rescreen process must be installed by a full software and not just by updating the driver. But then that stupid engineer, while setting up the station pegi bantai sembang ngan the other supervisor in chinese language and I don't understand even a single word comes out from the mouth except for 'university' and 'engineering' and they make me look like tunggul there, and no progress at all with the installation. Kepala hotak dia. Yes, I am hot at that time. Dah la wasting my time, then make me look like a tunggul. Then, I just went off to the office and told my engineer about what happened with an angry voice. Hopefully the higher person could hear what I was talking about and immediately sack that particular new engineer!!! I hate when all this higher position such as engineer, berlagak nak mampos. Think that they are big enough and all the technician is like a picisan. Well FUCK them!!! even test production technician also didn't like that new engineer.
Yes, I have to OT actually for 6 and a half hours today. But half hour can't claim anything, so I just went for a dinner with Abg Hizam, the Sr Tech for QA and Abg Jai, the Sr Tech for MIMA production, to make sure the half hour turn to a complete hour. Then, after 10.25, I scanned TMS OUT and went back home. After I reached home I have some sleep around 11.15, but suddenly my phone ringing and until now I just can't sleep! Oh dear God!!! Please remove this insomnia from me!!!
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