Internet is a blessing gift from God. Who agree with me? I think most of the information can easily be gain. Some doubt can be answered by using man's best friend, Google!
Just to make it as a story, today I checked my e-mail and there is an e-mail from one of the leading job searching company in the country. What happened then? One of the advertiser refuse to reveal the company's name. So, they put it as "Company Confidential".
As a human, the feeling of want to know (perasaan ingin tahu) inside of me was getting stronger. So, I tried to get some hint from the advertisement. So, what is the mistake that they have made? Yup... they put in the company's fax number.
So, using the man's best friend, I started to google out the company's fax number an within
0.19 seconds, I received the firm answer, who they are actually.
Brilliant isn't it?