Even though many of the committees did not agree with the rm5k i spend on ROM pro sound and all the packages, i have never changed my mind since i thought it is important to create a long term relationship with abg Rom n ROTTW. They will support the local scenes and they also need support from us. Instead of giving the sound system only, they gave many other things such as free coverage, hundreds of CDs and Cassettes, a small publicity to all the rottwailers and thru rottw official website, free subscribtion of ROTTW, free t-shirts for the committees (10 pieces) and probably some advice from his experience.
I've been to Abg Rom's House. The picture shown above is me with abg rom DIY guitar, a telecaster copy, but it was damn nice... this guitar is the one wing meng of LMB used on their video. and also some local artist borrowed for some studio recording. I tested one of Abg Rom most expensive Fender 60's start. it was damn nice... i started to felt in love with fender guitar (i am not a fender lover before... except for one telecaster i tried before purchasing my RG450). The only thing i dont like about fender was they dont have a floating bridge and the fret will always be less than 22. tone is the main thing about fender guitar... the tone was bulat2 which no other guitar or pickup can copy the tone... (hoh.. i talk alot bout guitar.. i am a guitar freak... only those who have the same interest may understand kot)
Aku rindu sama Rom-i Baybee!
- Bimbo Baggins -
haha joe, apa org tak komen! ko bayar 5k tapi diorg bagi sound system low clas nye, cam anggap kita ni band2 picisan! dah la sound engineer tu hampeh! mixer cuma lama punya, bila mintak tolong sync kan sound,make it balance, tak nak! malas! memang tak padan ngan apa yg dibayar 5k...
bukan apa joe, i just collect people's comments :p show bands semua actually ok, but becoz of that 'low+old sound system that worth 5k' yg agak mengecewakan.
n lagi satu, ko ada 1 benda yg tak berapa bagus, suka buat keje sorang2 without mintak tolong orang! sama la cam...
lagi...penonton kurang this time , jus sbb kurang promotion la, publicity agak lemah, n lain2 maybe coz of ketidak-puasan sesama geng MMusic la...
ni je nak sampaikan komen2 org + me...rating i think compare to 2004 BoTB, 5/10 la..the previous one much more bagus la, can say the best :D jgn frust plak tau joe, just take it +ve way, to improve ur ways of work, for urself, for ur future :)
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