Monday, March 19, 2007

I am the winner of the voting contest???

Hi all....
Know what? Ok, I know non of you know (except after you read this)
Just now I felt bored with nothing (actually so many things) to do. So, I opened up a google page and type on my name and click the 'search' button. Then it was suprising, there's a link to The CLEO Most Eligible Bachelor Of The Year. Hurmm... How can my name be there. At first I thought I was one of the candidates. But then I click on the link at saw my name under theW inners for the CLEO Voting Contest. With my full name and my first 8 digit of my IC number are totally me. Hurmm... It might be someone using my name to vote without asking for my permission. As far as I can remember, I have never voted to such kind of contest. I might not even know even one of the candidates. Well, if you guys don't believe me, the click to the link below.

To those of you who purposely use my name for this voting contest, please let me know so that we could share the prizes given.

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