Monday, December 19, 2011

Should we skip college?

Billionaire to Pay Kids to Skip College

If you have an idea while you are in college, what normally people will advice? Focus on finishing your study first. Then you can do everything that you wanted to do.

Unfortunately this mantra doesn't work anymore, or at least it won't be the wisest thing to do. In today's society, everything is moving super fast and most people are moving at the super fast speed. If you wait until you complete your study, somebody else might come out with the similar idea and your idea might be no longer relevant.

A billionaire is willing to pay people to skip college. If billionaire is willing to do so, what is the message that they are trying to convey?

Most self-made millionaire or even billionaire is dropped-out of college. If they did that and make tonnes of money, which steps should we follow?
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