Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Dollar and Some Ambition: Jim Rohn

Capital in your business isn't what matters. It isn't the money that buys you a future; it's your skills that buy you a future. Money and no skills, I'm telling you, you are still poor. Money and no ambition, where are you? Money and no courage, you're broke. A little bit of money and a whole lot of courage is all we need.

When looking for people, don't always look for the ones with money; money doesn't matter. What matters is somebody's willingness, somebody's ingenuity, somebody's willingness to try. If they have a dollar to invest, that's plenty for me. A dollar and some ambition and I can show you how to get rich and it will be one of the classic stories of the company. When recruiting somebody and they would say, "I don't have any money," I'd say, "I've been looking for you for six months! Let me show you how to do it without any money."

Because here are the rules of capitalism: you can either buy and sell or, if you are in certain circumstances, you can sell and buy. That is, if you've got ambition. Now if you haven't got ambition we can't cure that and money can't cure it—lack of ambition. But if you have a dollar and some ambition I will show you how to get rich. Even if you don't have a dollar I will show you how to get rich, because you can sell and buy. Somebody says, "As soon as the product arrives I'll sell it." No, no, you don't understand. You don't understand the magic of fortune if you say “I have to wait till the product gets here.” And you probably don't understand the value of your own story.

By selling and buying you are simply sharing from your own excitement and belief about the product and the opportunity. Once the customer says yes, ask for the money and then go get the product. After doing that three or four times you will be able to buy and sell, but never let money keep you from an opportunity when you have in its place true ambition, faith and courage.

Friday, January 06, 2012

Makanan Kegemaran Nabi


1. Barli – Bagus untuk demam jika dibuat sup.
2. Kurma – Nabi berkata rumah yang tidak mempunyai kurma adalah sepert rumah yang tidak ada makanan.
3. Buah Tin – Buah dari syurga. Boleh mengubati buasir.
4. Anggur – Nabi suka buah anggur. Ia membersihkan darah, menguatkan buah pinggang, membersihkan perut
5. Madu – Ia adalah makanan segala makanan, minuman segala minuman, ubat segala ubat. Mengubati cirit birit jika dibancuh dengan air panas, membuka selera, menguatkan perut, membuang kahak. Elok diminun waktu pagi dengan air suam.
6. Tembikai (Segala Jenis) – Nabi berkata wanita mengandung tidak akan gagal melahirkan anak yang baik dari segi karater dan wajahnya.
7. Susu – Nabi berkata susu baik untuk membuang panas badan seperti tangan membuang peluh dari dahi. Menguatkan belakang, memperbaiki otak memperbaharui pandangan mata, membuang kelupaan.
8. Cendawan – Baik untuk mata, perancang keluarga.
9. Minyak Zaitun – Rawatan kulit dan rambut. Melambatkan penuaan, merawat radang perut.
10. Delima – Membersihkan tubuh dari syaitan & bisikan syaitan selama 40 hari.
11. Cuka – Nabi selalu meminum dengan minyak zaitun (Trend yang popular di restoran Itali)
12. Air – Minuman terbaik. Jika dahaga hendaklah disedut perlahan-lahan. Jangan diteguk. Mudah mendapat sakit pada hati. Ilmu yang bermanfaat harus dikongsikan.
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