Monday, March 07, 2011

Jack Canfield Dream Big - Law of Attraction

I believe many of you have ever heard of the Law of Attraction. And many of you might have watch the video 'the Secret' or probably have read the book. What can we learn from it? To me it is an effortless thing that brings us huge result.

The question is, what did you do after you got the knowledge? Do you have your own vision board or dream book? Answer from me, well, yes. I have created my own blog that I make it private and wrote what ever that I wish I want to have. The result was amazing. In short time of less than a year, I have receive at least 5 things that I wrote there. Of course out of that many, I don't yet receive everything, but out of 10 lists that I put on my side bar a few months back, I have actually receive 2 of it. It was 20% within no time.

I still think that I did so little to make things work. According to the theory, desire and passion can accelerate the speed, I did not view it everyday. Because to do it is one thing, to consistently remember to view it is another thing. That is why I created another vision board which I put right in front of me, to remind me each second what I am heading to!

Hope this can help me to accelerate whatever I need and to achieve what I desire!
How about you? Have you started to design your own vision board?

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