Friday, November 11, 2011

The Power of Gratitude

Imagine, one day you are complaining about your country:
1. The public transportation isn't efficient enough!
2. I drive a second hand car! I can't afford good car because the government is taxing heavily on cars.
3. The weather is too hot!
4. We got dirty toilets!
5. The broadband are too expensive! and SLOW!

What did you get when you are complaining? You feel that here is not the place that best suit you, isn't it? 
The thing is, you are complaining to the wrong person. When you talk to your friends, you brothers/sisters , or even talking to yourself, what did you get? Nothing but the feel of frustration and worst you are focusing on it! You are actually attracting crap to your life.

If you understand the Law of Attraction, you will understand that your mind is like a magnet. When you read all the above statement, do you feel like Malaysia is not a good place to stay? If you do, simply because you agree with the statements and you are focusing about how bad it is.

Stop thinking about bad things, start focus on the good thing! Why? Focusing on good thing, even a small simple thing, will allow us to expand the good thing! 

"The truth is it takes much more courage to appreciate what we’ve got—no matter how little it may seem—than it is to surrender to the scarcity model and let ourselves off the hook for taking action because something isn’t enough." - T. Harv Eker

How can I turn it around?
The simple method is to use - "AT LEAST" after the word you are complaining, see things from different perspective, or compare with the cons of the other alternatives.

1. The public transportation isn't efficient enough! - At least I can arrive safely on-time. If I live in some countries, I would take 3 hours extra to travel within the same distance.
2. I drive a second hand car! I can't afford good car because the government is taxing heavily on cars.- At least I can drive and arrive at my destination. Some countries, having motorcycle is considered luxury.
3. The weather is too hot! - At least we don't have earthquake or Tsunami here.
4. We got dirty toilets! - At least nobody pee around the staircase. And I can settle my what I intent to.
5. The broadband are too expensive! and SLOW! - At least I can access to the internet. If I am out of coverage that would be worst.

If you were to complain, make sure you are complaining to the right authority! 

You will feel much better when you count your blessing, instead of complaining. Focusing on what you have:
1. I have a great family, that always support me! I have wife, and kids that keeps me happy!
2. I have a car that can bring me around!
3. I have a good stable job with good benefits!
4. I have good friends that always encourage me to be successful.
5. I have a good looking face and good brain, that is my biggest assets!

"If we want to look young, we must be happy. The happiness of being in love is very noticeable. It is difficult of course to be happy all the time. But if you count your blessings every morning, you will feel happy." - Tun Mahathir, Memoirs Tun M. pg 584

Sebenarnya dalam Islam, kita diajar untuk bersyukur. Dan janji Allah, sekiranya kita bersyukur,

"Jika kamu bersyukur pasti akan aku tambah (nikmat-Ku) untukmu dan jika kamu kufur maka sesungguhnya siksa-Ku amat pedih". Ibrahim (14): 7

"Maka ingatlah kamu kepada-Ku niscaya Aku ingat pula kepadamu, dan bersyukurlah kepada-Ku dan janganlah kamu mengingkari (nikmat)-Ku" (Al-Baqarah (2): 152)

Perkara ini telah diajar oleh Allah dan Nabi. Namun kadangkala kita kurang mengamalkan, kerana kurangnya peringatan kepada kita. Mungkin peringatan diberikan tetapi dalam keadaan yang tidak menarik minat dan perhatian kita.

Mari kita kupas, dengan apa yang telah disampaikan oleh 'pakar2' dari barat, dan relate-kan kembali dengan apa yang diajar oleh Al-Quran lebih 1400 tahun dahulu.
Jika kita syukur, nikmat akan datang lebih. Bila kita fokus pada kelebihan kita, kelebihan itu akan bertambah.
Jika kita kufur - seksa Allah beri itu amat pedih. Dalam konteks ini, jika kita kufur, tidak bersyukur atau kita complain - kita fokus pada benda tidak elok, maka perkara yang tidak elok itu akan bertambah. Contohnya: "pendapatan saya kurang..." - Maka pendapatan kita akan bertambah kurang. Tidakkah pedih sekiranya pendapatan kita bertambah kurang?
TURN IT AROUND - "Syukur, dengan pendapatan ini saya dapat memberi nafkah pada keluarga, belanja rakan2, pergi melancong, membeli gadget terkini dan melabur." Fokus kita terus berubah dan Insya-Allah, nikmat kita akan bertambah!

Jom, marilah kita panjatkan kesyukuran kita terhadap segala yang telah dikurniakan! Semoga kita beroleh rahmat!

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