Friday, June 26, 2009

Michael Jackson Passed Away

Michael Joseph Jackson, the king of pop had passed away at the age of 50. He was suffered cardiac arrest and failed to respond to CPR given by paramedics in the ambulance that responded to a 911 call to his L.A. mansion just after noon. He was actually overdose by drugs, which he takes as the painkiller for his cardiac arrest.

Michael has a huge contribution in the music industry. His record was sold about 750 million, which is equivalent to a 3 quarter billion and recognized by Guinness book of record as the Most Successful Entertainer of All Time.

He converted to Islam on Nov 2007 and changed his name to Mikaeel. He was influenced by his brother Jermaine Friday who was converted to Islam on 1989 and shared to him how peaceful and beautiful the religion is.

May God bless his soul.


Michael Jackson passed away, a lot of news and medias are reporting on it. But did you aware that Ustaz Fathi Yakan, the author of the book "Apa ertinya saya menganut Islam (which translated to Malay la..)" had also passed away last 13th June? He was at 76 year old when he passed away. He was the chief of Pakatan Amal Islami Lubnan and had a great contibution on the da'wah movement in Lubnan. May God bless his soul too.



dj cute said...

btl ke mj dah convert muslim?

Johann said...

Sblm aku post, aku buat sikit study kat internet. Aku pun tak berapa sure, sbb ada yg kata iye, ada tidak. Tapi bila aku tgk dia nyanyi lagu ada sebut pasal agama, cam Yusof Islam, tu yg aku rasa cam confident nak post.

Walaumacamana pun aku tak sure. Tapi tak salah sedekah al-fatihah.

Artikel dari Utusan hari ni.

Jacko peluk Islam

NEW YORK 26 Jun - Raja Pop, Michael Jackson yang meninggal dunia hari ini, dilaporkan telah memeluk Islam berdasarkan khabar angin yang dilaporkan oleh beberapa tabloid di negara Barat dan Amerika Syarikat.

Menurut laporan akhbar The Sun bertarikh 21 November lalu yang disiarkan melalui laman webnya, Jackson dilaporkan telah mengucap dua kalimah syahadah dalam satu upacara di rumah rakannya, yang juga seorang penggubah muzik untuk album Thriller, Steve Porcaro di Los Angeles.

Turut hadir pada majlis itu ialah penyanyi Yusuf Islam, pencipta lagu David Wharnsby dan penerbit album Philip Bubal yang telah memeluk Islam lebih awal.

Jackson dilaporkan menggunakan nama Islam Mikaeel yang bermaksud 'Rezeki'.

Jackson dibesarkan sebagai penganut Kristian mazhab Saksi Jehovah sejak kecil lagi. - Agensi

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