Sunday, September 03, 2006

PIMM what the hell is this???

Today, as I was reading a book i bought last Tuesday, I received an SMS saying that I was choosen as one of the committee of PIMM. PIMM is Persatuan Integrasi Muzik Melaka. After organizing Battle of the Bands during my final semester in MMU, there's alot of people called me up seeking for some advice and asking me to joined them for their events especially those who are organizing battle of the bands. I guess I didn't managed well my event that day since I can't really cope up with my final year projects, some tough subjects and some other problems. But it was suprisingly the feedback from people was positive. After I called up their respective person, I was attracted to the plan and the objective of this society. It is a long term plan and it is for the benefit of music. I decided to have a deep look before I committed to join this society. It's good... It's guuuuddd!!!

Then today is Sunday. I OTed last nite from 11pm - 7am and seriously I have done nothing during the 8 hours working period. erm... of course I did something. I slept at the inspection table which can't be done on normal days. And the first think comes in my mind was - Am I eat the salary blindly (makan gaji buta). I am afraid when I died, God will asked me about all the salary I earned. But again, if I compared to those days I worked as hell, don't even have a spare time to go for a break and working from morning till night... Then this is the time to qada' what I did that day. Haha...

Then on my way home, I bought some nasi lemak and karipap somewhere at the muzaffar heights area. I made some observations, how much they earned during my short period of time buying the nasi lemak and how much estimated they will earn for a day. They are no doubt can become a silent millionaire. But when I reached home, I ate the nasi lemak, it doesn't taste good at all. If not because of my hungry stomach it would be almost impossible for me to finish it. Plus the salty tahap gaban karipap which can lead a person to a high blood pressure if a person took it every morning for a month. Then on my way back home, there's a two youngsters selling nasi lemak which I bought the other day and I asked them whether they are selling every day or just occasionally. They replied everyday but when I went back home I can hardly see their faces. Which my conclusion is they are not consistent with their business.

These are the reasons why a lot of people did not make it to the millionaire planet. The opportunities were there but they never use it wisely. I think they need a little guidelines to business in a more efficient way and make alot of money. But for me it's another lesson that I learned without have to experience them. Learn through observation can save alot of cost and time.

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